Events of Interest in Orange County
McGuinness-McDonald Division Forms in Orange County DECEMBER 6, 2019 BY KEVIN CUMMINGS On Wednesday, December 4th, the first meeting of the McGuinness-McDonald Division was held at the home of Hugh Connolly in Warwick, Orange County. Over the past year, the prospective division members, led by Brian McCabe,held many unofficial meetings to plan their formation as New York’s newest division. The evening event saw 17 members take the oath of the Order. The swearing-in ceremony was immediately followed by a meeting in which the new members chose their officers to lead them over the coming year. Once the votes were cast for officers, the installation of officers ceremony was performed by national, state, county officers in attendance. In attendance for the evening events and to officiate was Dan Dennehy, National Director for the New York Metro Area and NYAOH District 8 Director, Jim Russell, Kevin Cummings, NYAOH Co-Webmaster and Past State Organizer, and Orange County Board Officers, Ed Burke, County President and Jack Graham, County Treasurer. Representing Rockland County was Cy Hughes who assisted with the ceremonies.
Speaking about the Order’s newest members, National Director Dan Dennehy said to the Orange County Brothers in attendance and who each represented Orange County’s three other divisions, ” They will be a great addition to your county because they have taken great consideration in planning their start. Speaking directly to the county officers Dennehy stated: “You, as county officers should act as mentors to these,the new division officers of the McGuinness-McDonald Division.” President Ed Burke presented the new division with funding to purchase officer medallions and a gavel to conduct their meetings. President Burke invited the new members to participate in upcoming county activities and events and to visit the AOH Halls –homes to Division 1 in Monroe and Division 2 in Cornwall.
The newly installed officers of the McGuinness-McDonald Division are:
Brian McCabe, President Peter Riley, Vice President Michael Connolly, Recording Secretary James McLaughlin, Financial Secretary Matthew Segota, Treasurer Brian Currid, Chairman of the Standing Committee Kevin Murphy, Marshal John Kelly, Sentinel Hugh Connolly, Historian Thomas Connolly, Webmaster The division was named after Martin McGuinness who was an Irish republican politician who, as a member of Sinn Féin, was the deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland from May 2007 to January 2017. And Detective Steven D. McDonald who was a New York City Police Department patrolman who was shot and paralyzed on July 12, 1986. The shooting left him quadriplegic. McDonald forgave his attackers and traveled the county to lecture on the importance of forgiveness. Both men greatly admired in the Irish American community.
2016 AOH/LAOH Convention Atlantic City
(Interim info)
Hotel: Harrah's on the bay. Check in Monday July 11th and Departure Friday July 15th
Costs: Hotel Costs are $132 per night (tax is included), reservations on line they will charge you the first night stay when you book, you have up to 72 hours before convention to cancel with full refund, after 72 hours they keep the one night charge. Check in as at all hotels provide card for incidentals and charged balance on check out.
Total package is $200 for all three nights, exact details being finalized. We will be meeting with the National Boards and local committee in late October at Harrah's to finalize package details.
Parking is $5 a stay meaning if you park on Monday and leave on Friday its $5, or $5 every time you enter and exit.
The Ice Breaker — The Sound of the Jersey shore by Champion productions at Harrah's pool casual attire
- Free Night : exploring ways to honor the 100th anniversary of the Easter rising, in 1914 AC played host to Sean McDiermada and Irish American supporters and groups who would lend support to make 1916 possible An interesting link we are exploring.
- Irish Night— Willie Lynch, business attire
- More to come……
- Installation Banquet — Eamonn Ryan Showband formal attire.
Orange County
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Communion Mass and Breakfast
Brothers and all,
Please come join together in celebrating Mass as a County on
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Mass: 9:30am (gather at 9:15am)
Sacred Heart Chapel
151 Stage Road, Monroe
Breakfast to follow at Division 1 hall:
Catering of Irish breakfast by Rambler’s Rest.
$10 per person over age 8 at the door.
Carien Gereghty NY State Freedom for All Ireland Chairman from Div. 5 in Albany. He will discuss 1916 and the upcoming centenary |
Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day
Family Picnic
County-Wide Picnic
Open to all members of the AOH and LAOH
Saturday, September 19th
1:00pm to 5:00pm
Fr. Donald J. Whelan - Division 2, Irish Cultural Center
10 Hibernian Way (off of Pleasant Hill Rd.)
Cornwall, Orange County, NY 12518-0206
$10.00 per Person ~ $25.00 per Family
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs & London broil
Salads & Corn on the Cob
Soda, Beer
Live Music & Bagpipers
For further information call….
George Anderson (914) 263-2508
Kevin Dooner (845) 744-9644
Bill Kirnan (845) 591-9682
Tom McDonald 845-469-9476
New York City
St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Celebration Committee
Web Site: http://www.nycstpatricksparade.org/
All marching units in the Parade will fall into Formation in the position on this sheet. This position is according to the parade seniority sequence as stated in the official program. Each unit will march all the way up Fifth Ave.,
Tuesday, March 17. 2015 at the place and time designated below;
Name of Organization; AOH Orange County Divisions
Place of assembly: On EAST 44th Street,
Between 5th Avenue, and Madison Avenue
Time of Assembly: 11:15 am
When the signal is given for your organization to get ready to march, line up please!
AFTER: County Leitrim Association of New York and
National & New York State presidents
AHEAD OF: County Derry (in next block)
Please supervise the last row of marchers in your unit. Do Not Allow “side-walk-stragglers”, to fall in behind them. Any marcher exhibiting improper behavior will be removed. Do not attract unfavorable comments from spectators and news reporters by allowing "UNDERSIRABLES” to join your ranks from the sidewalk while you are marching. Protect your good name.
1) All units must have two (2) flags. Irish & American flags or no flags at all. NO EXCEPTIONS!! An American flag on the right and an Irish flag on the left.
2) A minimum of eight (8) abreast. Ten (10) if room is available. A unit with 250+ members MUST
march 10 abreast.
3) Six (6) marshals from each marching unit should bring up the rear.
4) The only banners allowed are ones identifying the unit or "England Get Out of Ireland". Only one identifying banner for each unit. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
5) Green hats, sneaker, or other "odd ball" dress is not permitted.
6) No animals or mascots.
7) No eating, drinking or smoking in the Line of March.
8) No displays or statements of any kind will be permitted. DO NOT ASK!
9) Units should make sure they are in proper formation before approaching Fifth Avenue.
10) After units get on Fifth Avenue, no stragglers should be allowed to join the unit. Unit marshals should be on the alert for this at each intersection. Please be vigilant.
11) Leaders of organizations shall not delay the Parade by leaving their places for any purpose.
12) Shirts with advertising are NOT an appropriate form of dress. No children's pull or push wagons are permitted.
13) Please remember, you are on Fifth Ave. for one hour once a year and you should march with pride in your heritage and dress accordingly.
No PINS attached to Bemorial or Jackets.
Former NYC AIDE sashes are encouraged to be worn.
14) All units are expected to keep in pace with the unit in front, (NO GAPS PERMITTED). |
Greetings Brothers,
There will be a Shamrock and Major Degree session held in January in Albany, NY.
It is a part of your duty as a Hibernian to take the Degrees of our Order. If you already have your Shamrock Degree, you are eligible to take the Major Degree.
If you do NOT have your Shamrock Degree, there will be one offered prior to the Major Degree.
If there is sufficient interest, the County may charter a bus and you can get a ride to and from for a modest additional fee. If you would be interested in going by bus, please indicate in a email.
Particulars are as follows:
A major degree ceremony conferred by the
Schenectady Major Degree Team
Date: Sunday January 25, 2015
Time: 12:00 pm for candidates; 12:30 pm for observers
Place: Albany AOH Hall, 375 Ontario St. Albany NY
Price: $20.00 for candidates; $10.00 for observer (dinner to be served following ceremony)
Opportunities to take the Major Degree are few and far between. It is a great experience and will help you understand better what it means to be a Hibernian. I heartily recommend you make this investment in yourself as a Hibernian and receive your Major Degree!
In our Motto of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Kevin Moore, President, AOH Orange County Board
irishlad59@verizon.net |

Orange County
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Communion Mass and Breakfast
Brothers and all,
Please come join together in celebrating Mass as a County on
Sunday, October 5, 2014.
Mass: 9:30am (gather at 9:15am)
St. Anastasia’s Church
21 North Main Street
Harriman NY
Breakfast to follow at Division 1 hall:
Catering of Irish breakfast by Rambler’s Rest.
$10 per person over age 8 at the door.
Ms. Bridget Bray will be speaking on Irish genealogy. Ms. Bray is a Board member of the NY Irish Center, Director of The Genealogy Event (held this year in Limerick), and organizer of the Irish / British Genealogy Group on meetup.com.
Hope to see you there! |
Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day
Family Picnic
County-Wide Picnic - Open to all members of the AOH and LAOH.
Saturday, September 13th ,2014
1:00 pm to 6:00pm
Fr. Donald J. Whelan - Division 2, Irish Cultural Center
10 Hibernian Way (off of Pleasant Hill Rd.)
Cornwall, Orange County, NY 12518-0206
$10.00 per Person ~ $25.00 per Family
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs & London broil
Salads & Corn on the Cob
Soda, Guinness & Harp
Games for Adults and Children
Live Music & Bagpipers
"Cold Beers on tap"
Please call before September 8th to register
Kevin Dooner - 914-345-8500
Kevin Moore 845-534-2528
George Anderson - 845-783-0205
Michael Shannon - 845-534-2528
The LAOH County Board thought it would be a nice idea to have a get together/fundraiser before we break for the summer months. How this fundraiser works is, you come to the Park Restaurant, order anything off the menu, and the restaurant will contribute a certain percentage of the individual's bill back to the LAOH. Also, there will be raffles.

Orange County Board
Cordially invites you to our Summer Fundraising Event
Friday, June 27, 2014
6:30 P.M.
Park Restaurant
451 Main Street
Highland Falls, NY 10928
R.S.V.P. by June 23, 2014
Contact Person: Peggy Brennan 845-598-4857 |
June - Dec 2014 Division 1 Events
September 7th, we will host the Orange County Board meeting at our hall. The meeting will be held at 2 PM. I encourage all to attend and learn what is happening at other Divisions in the county, and in other county business. In preparation for that meeting, your Board of Officers will be meeting on September 6th to make preparations. Any brothers who are available to assist in preparing our Hall, please contact me at ganderson@ahodiv1.org
September 12th Division meeting on Friday, . At this meeting, we will be draping our Char-ter in memory of our deceased Brother, John Brophy, Jr. John was a past Board officer and is the son of Past President John Brophy, Sr. I ask all Brothers who are able to attend do so and pay tribute to John. We will also be discussing other Division business, including upcoming events. Please make every effort to attend this meeting.
Saturday, September 13th, we will have our annual Orange County AOH Picnic, at Division 2 in Cornwall. The event starts at 1 PM and promises to be a great event, so please mark your cal-endars. As always, we can use assistance at this event, including assisting Tom McCarthy at the front door, manning the grill, and helping out in the parking lot directing folks where to park. If you can spare an hour or two please let me know at ganderson@aohdiv1.org. For further infor-mation on the picnic please see the enclosed flyer.
On Saturday, September 20th, our Hall will play host to a fundraiser for the LAOH, a Dart Tour-nament featuring professional dart player Jim Widmayer, brother of LAOH Board Member Barba-ra Slifkin. It promises to be a great event. Please see the attached flyer or Brother Jimmy Mac for more information about this event.
On October 5th we will be having our Communion Breakfast. Mass this year will be 9 AM at St. Anastasia's in Harriman, with breakfast to follow at the Hall. We are planning this to be a county event, so please come to mass in Harriman and represent our great Division!
Rounding out the immediate future, we will be having our October meeting on Friday, October 10th, so please also plan to attend that meeting also. As always, our Celtic Lounge is open and please come by and sample some of the great beer on tap that Ken has been pouring. The selec-tion changes seasonally and Ken is prepared for the fall with a great Oktoberfest beer and other selections. We are also planning a dinner dance at the Hall for late October/Early November, details will follow as we finalize them.
Aug - Nov 2014 Division 2 Events
September 7 2:00 pm AOH Orange County Board - Quarterly meeting. Division 1 Hall, Monroe. All division/county members are encouraged to attend. Kevin Moore
September 13 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm County-Wide AOH/LAOH Picnic - Open to all members of the Orange County AOH and LAOH and their household family.
George Anderson (Div. 1)
Michael Shannon (Div. 2)
Kevin Dooner (Div. 4)
Kevin Moore
September 16 7:00 pm Irish Set Dancing Lessons - Open to the public. Call the hall for more information. Kevin Cummings
September 17 7:00 pm Monthly Meeting -- All members encouraged to attend. Mike Shannon
John Greehy
September 23 7:00 pm Irish Set Dancing Lessons - Open to the public. Call the hall for more information. - Kevin Cummings
October 7 7:00 pm Irish Set Dancing Lessons - Open to the public. Call the hall for more information. Kevin Cummings
October 12 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Irish Breakfast- Adults - $7.00 ~ Pancake & Sausage Breakfast - Children - $3.00 Pat Finn
October 14 7:00 pm Irish Set Dancing Lessons - Open to the public. Call the hall for more information. Kevin Cummings
October 15 7:00 pm Monthly Meeting -- All members encouraged to attend. Mike Shannon
John Greehy
October 21 7:00 pm Irish Set Dancing Lessons - Open to the public. Call the hall for more information. Kevin Cummings
TBA 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Children's Halloween Party - open to all members' children & friends alike. Free admission. Dennis Malone & Kim Malone
October 28 7:00 pm Irish Set Dancing Lessons - Open to the public. Call the hall for more information. Kevin Cummings
November 4 7:00 pm Irish Set Dancing Lessons - Open to the public. Call the hall for more information. Kevin Cummings
November 9 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Irish Breakfast- Adults - $7.00 ~ Pancake & Sausage Breakfast - Children - $3.00 Pat Finn
November 11 7:00 pm Irish Set Dancing Lessons - Open to the public. Call the hall for more information. Kevin Cummings
November 18 7:00 pm Irish Set Dancing Lessons - Open to the public. Call the hall for more information. Kevin Cummings
November 19 7:00 pm Monthly Meeting -- All members encouraged to attend. Mike Shannon
John Greehy
November 26 7:00 pm Irish Set Dancing Lessons - Open to the public. Call the hall for more information. Kevin Cummings |
Jan - July 2014 Division 4 Events
Patrick E. Cochrane Memorial
Golf Tournament
Monroe Country Club
63 Still Road, Monroe, NY 10950
Friday – July 11, 2014
10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start
$100.00 per Golfer
PRIZES- 1St & 2nd
Longest Drive ~ Best Ball
Closest to the Pin
Registration - call
John Higgins 294-7038, Pat Lahiff 294-8698
Paul Heppes 294-1048, Kevin Dooner 342-8892,
Ron Heppes 343-1096 or Ed Burke 342-6176 |